The rapid increase in population in the United States along with the shortage of farmers has prompted some architects to design new architectural typologies like a quarantine structure for imported livestock conceived by California-based architect Drew Pusey. Pusey states that “given the current consumption rates of beef products in the US and the available land/resources we have for livestock production, it’s only a matter of time before these beef products (in the form of live cattle) will come largely from foreign sources.  Unlike other imports, livestock presents a particular problem to domestic food safety in that diseased animals might not immediately show signs of contamination.  The Ruminant Quarantine (based on the 4-chambered stomach of a cow) sits on the Port of Los Angeles and operates as both the storage and processing facility for the animals during the 60 day period of sterile isolation from when they are first taken off the ship to when they are distributed via rail to consumers.  In contextual terms, the structure strives to mediate between its own monstrous scale and its status a a player in the surrounding urban condition. All said, the Ruminant Quarantine is largely an investigation of mass infrastructure as an expression of state-sponsored paranoia.”

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