“Splash” was designed by Joel Cullum and it was the runner-up in judges’ voting in last month’s DesignByMany Building to Building Bridge Challenge. The aim was to explore the creative ways of connecting two neighboring buildings, while trying to implement the principles of modularity, adaptability to various conditions, quick assemblage, etc.

Structurally, it is “a bridge caught within a single frame of explosive velocity. The tensional lattice work is integral to the structure of the suspended deck, whilst providing the chaotic, yet ordered network of cables and compression rods working to freeze the fragments in mid air.”

The architect doesn’t offer a conventional design solution, but approaches the idea of connecting two adjacent objects from a more abstract standpoint. The project hinges on a particular point in time, giving the fourth dimension a crucial role in the creative process of building. The design relies on the physical force of exploding glass to propel the material towards the other building. The resulting structure is almost non-existent, as it appears the bridge will disintegrate at any moment with the fragments resuming movement. It seems as if the crossing of the bridge takes place in the prolonged state of instant time travel.

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