Flavors Orchard is an eco district, designed by Vincent Callebaut and consists of 45 Plus-Energy Villas in a huge community which integrates Smart Grid system, self-managed by the gardener-inhabitants and the participants of the project. The aim is to associate a state-of-the-art for smart building automation systems and information integrated in each villa with an intelligent energy network, in order to redistribute the produced excess towards the nearest needs so as to prevent from the loss in lines or related to the storage systems. In addition to the fuel cells, the electric vehicles are also used as buffer storage of electricity excess produced by the solar roofs assuring thus the daily travels of the inhabitants for free.
The objective of the settlement is also to repatriate the production of the organic agriculture in the heart of the city, center of its consumption. This bio-geographical integration of the master plan respects the natural qualities of the site and maintains the continuity of the endemic ecosystems. Flavors Orchard is a genuine garden sharing its energies designed and cultivated collectively. Ideas are here more shared than the ground, the sun or the wind because it deals not only with producing what to eat, lighten and air conditions but also to meet on a common ground of ecological experiments and collective projects.
It’s an urban landscape open to everybody without fence between the villas, in favor of the neighborhood relationships and the intercultural and inter-generational social links. It’s an educational tool about the environment respect thanks to its ecological master plan, its organic agriculture techniques, its smart home automation strategies and its integration of renewable energies.