OOIIO Architecture is behind the design of Miraflores – Barranco in Lima, Peru. This iconic proposal for a pedestrian bridge between two districts will bridge over the natural gap called Bajada de Armendáriz, which ends just in front of Pacific Ocean. The bridge brings together two distinct realities – on one side is Miraflores, majestic, residential, were you can find important shopping centers that became new urban attraction points in the past few years. It is also the place where you can find most of the touristic hotels. Barranco, on the other side, is the city bohemian district. On the Colonial Epoch it used to be the leisure area, and it keeps its charm. Nowadays there are many museums and cultural live. Walking though its streets you can find several musicians and at night is the fashionable place to go for dinner with friends.
The idea was that two districts both benefit from connection with another. OOIIO proposes a bridge as a landmark, a new city´s symbol, a meeting point, an object that welcomes Lima inhabitants to cross over from one district to the other. Thanks to its special and flashy shape it will encourage tourists walk, promoting urban activities on it.
The bridge can be used as a relaxing place, for lying under the sun, to sit down and see how people walk or the cars pass by, to watch sunsets. It acts as a small size amphitheater, to encourage urban activities on it. This bridge is also a garden, a plaza, a viewpoint, a sculpture, a terrace, a meeting-point, an element to shake the city. It is an opportunity to get a landscape regeneration of this big city void.