This project of a Model Home Gallery by NADAAA Inc, is designed for Seoul, South Korea, where the study, design and sales of housing have developed into a discipline serving an ascendant middle class with amenities and technologies that are significantly sophisticated. As a direct product of society we live in, the Model Home Gallery is adapted to house all the needs of consumer society, therefore offering not only sales offices with model homes, but also a large variety of public amenities, such as art galleries, restaurants, cafes, auditorium and other public open spaces which would bring in the residents of the area, in order to expand the customer base and boost the housing economy.
As we are living in an era of iconic architecture, we are witnessing the rise of architectural spectacles even in the housing market. Being the dominant approach, highly themed icons and surfaces serve as a mask for typologically simple diagrams. Normative requirement for these types of buildings ask for public base which supports a black box of exhibition space for full-scale models above.
While the transparent plinth displays the spectacle of the activities within and creates an enclosed public space with the views into the park, the black box is placed atop. In order to achieve the continuity of the ground plane, the granite sidewalk is extended to the interior of the building. The overall image, after all, evokes the unique skyline of South Korea’s capital, as a syncopated composition of staggered buildings and mountains.