Roland Hagenberg commissioned 10 Japanese architects to design a cube as atmospheric box for Raiding, the birthplace of Franz Liszt. On a predefined surface area of 50cm x 50cm x 50cm each, Jun AOKI, Terunobu FUJIMORI, Sou FUJIMOTO, Hiroshi HARA, Toyo ITO, KDa Astrid Klein/Mark Dytham, Kengo KUMA, SANAA Kazuyo SEJIMA/Ryue NISHIZAWA, Takaharu and Yui TEZUKA, and Yasuhiro YAMASHITA experiment with associations on building in a rural setting.
The exhibition at the Architekturzentrum Wien presents the 10 completed cubes, specifically for the Raiding Projects as well as documentary film shots on video by Roland Hagenberg.