DEZACT is pleased to announce Extra Fabrica 2014, a design & build studio-based workshop in Taipei, Taiwan from 28th June 2014 to 09th July 2014.
ExtraFabrica2014, a workshop on digital design and fabrication procedures, is being conducted in June-July 2014 in association with Shih Chien University and Tamkang University in Taipei, Taiwan. The interdisciplinary workshop provides an opportunity to architects and designers to be a part of the 12 day studio and investigate interactive design and fabrication solutions for dynamic socio-cultural fabrics.
The studio will investigate digital design and fabrication procedures in relation to the condition and context of Asian cities , Taipei in particular. The aim of the design studio will be to introduce computational design through using generative, algorithmic, data simulation and parametric design based techniques. Design proposals to develop new systems of mass customised building systems will be investigated through both physical and computational methods. Participants will use multiple software platforms for modelling, simulation and fabrication, towards multiple, variable and recursive prototypes for a range of urban conditions, driven by scenarios of future incremental, adaptive growth and change. Scaled prototypes will be fabricated in the studio and selected designs will be constructed at 1:1 scale based on the building systems developed. Participants will get the opportunity to explore advanced fabrication techniques and gain the knowledge of the workflow from design to production.
Tutors for Extra Fabrica 2014:
Doreen Bernath | SpaceMedia Int. , AA London
Gary Freedman | SHaGa London, UN Studio, AAVS Tel Aviv
Ping Hsiang Chen | [IN]Morph Lab, KPF London, AA London
Akshay Goyal | AG+DR, Architron Group, AA London
Sushant Verma | rat[LAB], Zaha Hadid Architects, AA London
Theodore Spyropoulos | AA DRL Director, Minimaforms
Robert Stuart-Smith | Kokkugia, AA DRL
Gao Yan | dotA, The University of Hong Kong
Gary Freedman | SHaGa London, UN Studio, AAVS Tel Aviv
Arthur Mamou-Mani | Mamou-Mani Ltd., Simply Rhino Ltd., Uni. Westminster
Angel Fernando Lara Moreira | AA Digital Prototyping Lab, DLAB, Make LAB
Clive Eveleigh | WWarc.Taipei, ZERo-studio, Shih Chien University
Yao Chung-Han | i/O Lab, Shih Chien University
Leo Wu | Zaha Hadid Architects, PLP Architecture, Populous