The project is installed at “Pommery” champagne factory in France, part of the largest underground systems of corridors and caves in the area. It combines computational design techniques with ancient paper folding techniques, resulting in a 345 cubic-meter suspended structure which acoustically amplifies sound. The Sound Factory project was designed in cooperation between artists Ali Monemi and Robin Meier and architect Hyoung-Gul Kook.
The structure is made of 285 flat sheets of aluminium/polyethylene composite. The idea of modulation and systems for actual construction was developed into combinations of basic geometry, with a specific visual and acoustic impact on the immediate surroundings. The form itself was inspired by mathematician and origami expert Taketoshi Nojima, especially his work reproducing organic forms from folded paper. It acoustically amplifies the sound form a single speaker-driver in order to create an enclosed space that overflows the listener in its center. Using the actual sounds of effervescence picked up by a special microphone immersed in the champagne vessel, a real-time analysis/synthesis audio system creates a continually evolving sound environment, diffused downward from above.
“La Fabrique Sonore”, as this project was originally titled, uses contemporary computer-aided design techniques in a program-specific fashion, avoiding the common trap of reducing it to formalistic experimentation.