Project submitted to the 2006 Skyscraper Competition
Carlos M Teixeira
Text after the tale “The Building” (O Edifício) by Murilo Rubiao, 1965


In 2000, The Beatles ex-guru Yogi Maharishi and Brazilian entrepreneur Mario Garnero set forth to the design of Sao Paulo’s Tower, eventually the highest worldwide. Nevertheless, it does not come true. Maharishi Tower, a real-fantastic epic, tells the possible unfolding of the would-be tower, twenty times bigger than the world’s largest skyscraper.

First Chapter
The guru Yogi Maharishi or the “great Wiseman and scientist of the conscience” idealized the tallest building in the world. The building was meant to be a compliment to the science of the Vedas and to Hindu teachings; it would avail itself of Vedic architecture. The project would be backed up on scientific research based in neuro-physiology, in psychology-expanding techniques, and on every field of knowledge related to architecture and urbanism.




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