Editors’ Choice
2020 Skyscraper Competition
Haitong Chen, Peizhe Fang, Yechi Zhang
United States
Peak oil is the theorized point in time when the maximum rate of extraction of petroleum is reached, after which it is expected to enter terminal decline. At the time of post-peak oil. We found that there are more and more Abandoned Oil rigs around Louisiana coastal line. Currently, the research told us just in this area there are 176 large oil platforms and 3000 more small oil rigs.
The expected effects of post-oil: peak oil and sea level rises, results in a series of incidents such as Oil Rigs Desertion, and bio-habitat loss. There are four different programs designed for offshore, mid-seas, and high seas oil rigs.
Our design focuses on the deserted Oil Rig Networks, we transform the original rigs into vertical bio-habitats, which aims to exert instant response to the oil spill, offer shelter to different types of species, and create public recreational programs. The proposal can be designed into four different programs that adapt to three different types of oil rigs.
Problems of Post Oil
The Sea level rise caused Land to Lose.
Coastline pushed further back away which made animals lose their habitat.
Oil workers are losing their jobs.
Large amounts of Oil Rigs will be abandoned, which then can finally cause Possible Oil leaks.
Thinking about the Post Oil in two different scales
Planetary Scale: Louisana Oil Rig Networks
The oil rig networks along the Louisiana coastline. There are nearly 176 large oil platforms and 3000 more small oil rigs around this area. expectedly there are more abandoned oil rigs and platforms all over the world.
Smaller Scale: Single Oil Platform
The jack-up oil rig is a common oil rig that normally exists both offshore and high-seas, the central oil tanks can be lifted up and down according to the sea levels. We think this 1000 ft height oil structure can be a perfect site for our founded species which are losing their habitat.
Programs designed for the Problems
The Sea level rise caused Land to Lose.
Coastline pushed further back away which made animals lose their habitat.
Upper-Level Residential & Aviary
Our anticipatory coexistence of Birds and Humans, and how birds and humans would use our proposal as a habitat and residence for the human who lost their homes. The Residential is a plausible diamond shape structure which can be perfectly fit into the original steel structure. Each unit diamond unit can occupy about 15 lab workers. The upper-level terrace space allows birds research to conveniently to observe the birds even from the residence. The Aviary is a large mesh that covers the top part of the original structure which provides maximum surface space for birds to use as a habitat.
The Lab
The lab provides office space for more than 500 workers to work in the renovated oil platform at the same time. The lab offers factory space, office, laboratory of all needs. which allows programs such as job transition center that trains people to different lab positions.
Underwater Submarines
The underwater submarines is also another plausible research space designed for underwater research and investigations. The underwater submarines are attached to the oil platforms which can shift up and down that follow the movement of the body part of the oil rig platform.
Large amounts of Oil Rigs will be abandoned, which then can finally cause Possible Oil leaks.
Oil Remediation Park
The center of the oil rig is the tank where they originally store oil. lichen can be the remediator to heal the pollution from leftover oil. We can further transfer the huge tank to a remediation park for the recreational use of the workers and fishermen.
Other Programs for Clean Energy and Resource
Plausible Tidal Turbine.
Water Desalination Machine.
Recycled metal from the old structure for a new proposal.