“Observe the motion of the surface of the water, which resembles that of hair; which has two motions, of which one is caused by the weight of the hair, the other the direction of the curls; thus the water has eddying motions, one part of which is due to the principal current, the other to the random and reverse motion.”
Slipstream is an installation that investigates ways of translating 2-dimensional digital drawings into 3-dimensional space. Inspired by Lebbeus Woods’s Slipstreaming drawings of flow, the installation is created for the Bridge Gallery in New York. Consisting of over one thousand CNC plywood pieces, the structure is an undulating, brightly colored wall that meanders through the gallery space.
The installation operates on three levels: form, structure and graphic. Drawing from Leonardo Da Vinci’s drawings and interest in the dynamics of flow and turbulence, Slipstream aims to marry fluidity, undulation, instability and temporality, escaping the outdated visions of architecture as a discipline that creates solid and stable buildings. The linear extrusion acts as both structure and dynamic visual filter, shifting views through the installation and between the spaces it defines. It’s integrity as a structure is masked by both its redundancy and bright coloration. Employing gradients that diffuse and coalesce along its length, color amplifies the undulating lines, establishing cross currents that intensify as visual eddies.
FreelandBuck (David Freeland & Brennan Buck) with Teoman Ayas, Robert Cannavino, & Jacqueline Kow.
Supported by Elise Jaffe + Jeffrey Brown.