The collaborative installation White Hole between artist Mariko Mori and Architects Kengo Kuma is a experiential structure designed to contemplate the arise of the cosmos using a light weight structural form. The large white dome is built from spray polyurethane, primarily used for insulating buildings, applied over a draped mesh, forming the catenary structure. Kengo Kuma termed the structure Bubble Wrap which is then inverted to form a rough dome. The expanded polyurethane material was selected for its capacity to create volume from very little material, which the architects claims to be comprised of 99% air. The envelope has the characteristic of being in a fluid, unsettled state, as though just created or born.
The quite space created by the interior provides a contemplative position for visitors to view Mariko’s inset screen. The term White Hole is based on the opposing force of a black hole’s absorption of material, a place where stars are born. LEDs placed overhead are networked to the observatory at the University of Kyoto feed interpretations of stars energy signature when disassembled by black holes, only to reemerge as swirls of reconstituted forms.
The installation was shown at the Dojima River Biennale 2011 entitled Ecosophia- Art and Architecture.