Air Purification Skyscraper

By:  | May - 2 - 2022

Honorable Mention
2022 Skyscraper Competition

Zelun Wang, Shengwu Fan, Manqian Lin

The Problem
Nine out of 10 people around the world breathe polluted air, according to a report released this year by the World Health Organization. Indoor and outdoor air pollution causes 7 million deaths worldwide each year and is responsible for 24 percent of stroke deaths, 29 percent of lung cancer deaths, 25 percent of heart disease, and 43 percent of other lung diseases. Air pollution has become a major killer of human society.

Site Selection
More than half of the world’s most polluted cities are in India, with New Delhi firmly in the top spot. Pollution kills countless people in New Delhi every year. Especially in winter every year, PM2.5 index reaches 20 times the safe limit.

The Solution
We believe that the ban and school closures issued by the Indian government cannot fundamentally solve the problem. Cities still need to develop and operate, and the generation of PM2.5 should be stopped at the source. We blame, therefore, the most serious pollution source——traffic pollution, traffic intersection are set on the city air purifier skyscrapers, the generation of PM2.5 four kinds of reaction gas absorption and filtration, prevent reaction PM2.5, at the same time can also be useful, useless to the construction of power supply, to fertilize the vertical greening, The whole building forms a closed system to purify and regenerate polluted air.


  1. Traffic circle: Located above the urban traffic intersection, it is set at the bottom of the building for pedestrians to pass, separating the traffic flow from the flow of people and relieving traffic pressure
  2. Core cylinder air purification device: the gas reaction at the bottom of the device is exothermic, the temperature at the bottom is higher, and the temperature at the top of the building is lower, thus forming a temperature difference, making the gas natural convection, that is, the polluted air is actively inhaled from the bottom, and discharged from the top after purification.
  3. Power generation device: located inside the core tube, ammonia gas is converted into nitrogen gas and used as a clean fuel to provide self-power for the building and reduce energy consumption.
  4. Vertical greening: located above the core tube of the air purification device, ammonia gas, and sulfur dioxide can be converted into fertilizer for vertical greening after purification, and the generated water is used for irrigation, and plants can absorb excess carbon dioxide. The air filtered by the air purification device is purified for the second time.
  5. Urban oxygen Bar: located at the top of the building, the urban garden with secondary air purification provides residents with recreational and sightseeing functions.
  6. Transportation hub: A capsule elevator, in the main support structure of the building, serves as vertical transportation to transport urban residents to traffic roundabout or urban oxygen bar.
  7. Transportation pipeline: Transportation of gas, fertilizer, water.
  8. Epidermal fan blades – The opening position and direction determine the upward movement of purified air and prevent polluted air from entering the building from the epidermis.

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